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PERKINS diesel engines 3000 and 4000 Series
PFD Spare parts catalogs, Service (workshop) and Operation Manuals, Service letters

Spare parts for marine engines

Important Remark: The engine parts list number (build code / build list) is absolutely necessary information for correct engine identification if you want to order the Perkins Spare parts Catalog.

The engine parts list is the first part of engine serial number.
Samples: model S4B-3008 - parts list S4B28069 (genset) | model S4C-8M700/800TI - parts list S4C27098 (condor marine) | model S6A-3012 - parts list S6A27767 (genset) | model DBB - parts list DBB080011 (long engine)

S/N & Parts List
100 - 900
4&6 cyl. series
1000 series
1100 - 1300
2000 - 2800
3000 & 4000
V8.540, V8.640
Marine engines

265100 Perkins diesel engines USER'S HANBOOK AND WORKSHOP MANUAL Series 3000
265102 3000 series 3012/CV12 Perkins 3000 Series - 12 cylinder diesel engines for industrial applications - USER'S HANDBOOK (48 pages) / WORKSHOP MANUAL (252 pages) / The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation.
265104 3000 series T.S.D 3011 & T.S.D 3061 Perkins Engine (Eagle Diesel Engines) - Dismantling, Inspection, Assembling, Operation (Supplement) / The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation.
265106 3000 series Perkins 3000 Series (Model 3008SI) 8 cylinder spark ignited engines for industrial applications - USER'S HANDBOOK (48 pages) / The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation.
265108 3000 series 3008/CV8 (All 3008 diesel models) Perkins 3000 Series 8 cylinder diesel engines for industrial applications - USER'S HANDBOOK (52 pages) / WORKSHOP MANUAL (256 pages) / The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation.
265130 Perkins diesel engines 3000 series 4 Cylinder. Spare parts catalogs
265131 3008 S4B 3008 (S4B) PERKINS engine Spare parts catalog
265132 8M700 and 800TI S4C PERKINS 8M700 / 800TI (S4C) engine Condor Marine - Spare parts catalogue
265133 3008 SI S4E 3008 SI (S4E) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
265134 Perkins diesel engines 3000 series 6 Cylinder. Spare parts catalogs
265135 3012 6A 3012 (6A) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
265136 3012 S6A 3012 (S6A) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
265137 3012 S6C 3012 (S6C) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
265138 3012 S6D 3012 (S6D) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
265139 3012 SI S6E 3012 SI (S6E) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
265200 Perkins diesel engines USER'S HANBOOK AND WORKSHOP MANUAL Series 4000
265201 4000 series 4012-46A and 4016-61A Perkins Industrial Engines - Operation and Maintenance Manual (92 pages) / The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation.
265202 4000 series Perkins 4000 Series Vee-Form Diesel (4012 and 4016 Series Engines) 12 and 16 cylinder turbocharged diesel engines - USER'S HANDBOOK with Maintenance Procedures (56 pages). Feb.1997. USER?S HANDBOOK (74 pages. Issue Feb. 1997). USER?S HANDBOOK ( 64 pages. Issue 2.) / The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation.
265203 4000 series Perkins 4000 Series Vee-Form Gas (4012TESI - 12SETCWG Stafford and 4016TESI - 16SETCWG Stafford Series Engines) 12 and 16 cylinder turbocharged gas engines - USER'S HANDBOOK with Maintenance Procedures (253 pages. Feb 1998). USER'S HANDBOOK (56 pages. Feb. 1998). / The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation.
265204 4000 series 4016-E61TRS Perkins 16 cylinder, turbocharged, gas engines (Perkins 4000 Series) - USER'S HANDBOOK (52 pages) / WORKSHOP MANUAL (116 pages) / DIAGNOSTIC MANUAL (176 pages) / The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation.
265205 4000 series 4006 TRS Gas and 4008 TRS Perkins Gas Industrial Engines - 4006/4008 In-line Gas diesel User's Handbook (66 pages), Operation and Maintenance Manual (72 pages). / The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation.
265206 4000 series Perkins 4000 Series (4006-23 Tag1A Tag2A Tag3A Inline diesel engine) 6 cylinder turbocharged diesel engine for electric power applications - 4006/4008 In-line Gas diesel User's Handbook (66 pages) / USER'S HANDBOOK (46 pages) / WORKSHOP MANUAL (272 pages) / The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation.
265230 Perkins diesel engines 4000 series. Spare parts catalogs
265231 4006 TAG1 DGA 4006 TAG1 (DGA) PERKINS diesel Generating Sets - SPARE PARTS CATALOGUE
265232 4008 TAG1 DGA 4008 TAG1 (DGA) PERKINS diesel Generating Sets - Spare parts catalogue
265233 4012 TAG1S DGA 4012 TAG1S (DGA) PERKINS diesel Generating Sets - SPARE PARTS CATALOG
265234 4016 TAG1 DGA 4016 TAG1 (DGA) PERKINS engine Generating Sets - Spare parts catalogue
265235 4006 TAG2 DGB 4006 TAG2 (DGB) PERKINS engine Generating Sets - SPARE PARTS CATALOGUE
265236 4008 TAG2 DGB 4008 TAG2 (DGB) PERKINS diesel Generating Sets - Spare parts catalog
265237 4012 TAG2 DGB 4012 TAG2 (DGB) PERKINS engine Generating Sets - Spare parts catalogue
265238 4016 TAG2 DGB 4016 TAG2 (DGB) PERKINS diesel engine - Spare parts catalog
265239 4006 TAG3 DGD 4006 TAG3 (DGD) PERKINS diesel Generating Sets - Spare parts catalog
265240 4006 TAG4 DGES 4006 TAG4 (DGES) PERKINS engine Generating Sets - Spare parts catalogue
265241 4008 TAG4 DGE 4008 TAG4 (DGE) PERKINS diesel engine Generating Sets - SPARE PARTS CATALOG
265242 4006 TG DGFS 4006 TG (DGFS) PERKINS engine Generating Sets - Spare parts catalog
265243 4008 TWG2 DGK 4008 TWG2 (DGK) PERKINS diesel engine Generating Sets - Spare parts catalogue
265244 4012 TWG2 DGK 4012 TWG2 (DGK) PERKINS diesel engine Generating Sets - Spare parts catalogue
265245 4016 TWG2 DGK 4016 TWG2 (DGK) PERKINS diesel Generating Sets - Spare parts catalog
265246 4008 TAG DGL 4008 TAG (DGL) PERKINS engine Generating Sets - Spare parts catalogue
265247 4012 TAG DGL 4012 TAG (DGL) PERKINS diesel engine Generating Sets - Spare parts catalog
265248 4016 TAG DGL 4016 TAG (DGL) PERKINS engine Generating Sets - Spare parts catalogue
265249 4006 TWG DGM 4006 TWG (DGM) PERKINS diesel Generating Sets - Spare parts catalog
265250 4012 TWG DGM 4012 TWG (DGM) PERKINS diesel engine Generating Sets - Spare parts catalogue
265251 4016 TWG DGM 4016 TWG (DGM) PERKINS engine Generating Sets - Spare parts catalog
265252 4006 TWG3 DGN 4006 TWG3 (DGN) PERKINS diesel Generating Sets - Spare parts catalogue
265253 4012 TWG3 DGN 4012 TWG3 (DGN) PERKINS diesel engine Generating Sets - Spare parts catalog
265254 4006 TEG DGP 4006 TEG (DGP) PERKINS engine Generating Sets - Spare parts catalogue
265255 4012 TEG DGP 4012 TEG (DGP) PERKINS diesel engine Generating Sets - Spare parts catalog
265256 4016 TEG DGP 4016 TEG (DGP) PERKINS diesel Generating Sets - Spare parts catalogue
265257 4012 TEG2 DGR 4012 TEG2 (DGR) PERKINS engine Generating Sets - Spare parts catalog
265258 4016 TEG2 DGR 4016 TEG2 (DGR) PERKINS diesel Generating Sets - Spare parts catalogue
265259 4006 TEG3 DGS 4006 TEG3 (DGS) PERKINS diesel engine Generating Sets - Spare parts catalog
265260 4016 TWG2C DGV 4016 TWG2C (DGV) PERKINS engine Generating Sets - Spare parts catalog
265261 4006 TESI DIE 4006 TESI (DIE) PERKINS diesel engine Combined Heat - Spare parts catalogue
265262 4008 TESI DIE 4008 TESI (DIE) PERKINS engine Combined Heat - Spare parts catalog
265263 4012 TESI DIE 4012 TESI (DIE) PERKINS diesel Combined Heat - Spare parts catalogue
265264 4016 TESI DIE 4016 TESI (DIE) PERKINS engine Combined Heat - Spare parts catalog
265265 4006 TESI DIF 4006 TESI (DIF) PERKINS engine Gas Unit - Spare parts catalogue
265266 4008 TESI DIF 4008 TESI (DIF) PERKINS diesel Gas Unit - Spare parts catalog
265267 4012 TESI DIF 4012 TESI (DIF) PERKINS engine Gas Unit - Spare parts catalogue
265268 4016 TESI DIF 4016 TESI (DIF) PERKINS diesel engine Gas Unit - Spare parts catalogue
265269 4016 E61TRS DIG 4016 E61TRS (DIG) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
265270 4006 DME 4006 (DME) PERKINS Marine engine - Spare parts catalog
265271 4008 DME 4008 (DME) PERKINS Seaking engine - Spare parts catalogue
All names mentioned are registered tradesmen of registered companies and are mentioned for reference only.
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