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PERKINS diesel engines 1100, 1200, 1300 Series
PFD Spare parts catalogs, Service (workshop) and Operation Manuals, Service letters

Spare parts for Perkins diesel engines

Important Remark: The engine parts list number (build code / build list) is absolutely necessary information for correct engine identification if you want to order the Perkins Spare parts Catalog.

The engine parts list is the first part of engine serial number.
Samples: model 1104D-E44T - parts list NH38612 (excavator) | model 1206E-E66T - parts list BK81955 | model 1306-CC6.466 - parts list WC5028 (genset)

S/N & Parts List
100 - 900
4&6 cyl. series
1000 series
1100 - 1300
2000 - 2800
3000 & 4000
V8.540, V8.640
Marine engines

262100 Perkins USER'S HANBOOK AND WORKSHOP MANUAL 1100 series
262102 1103, 1104E 1103 and 1104E (DC11-Up, DD11-Up, DJ11-Up, DK11-Up, RE11-Up, RG11-Up, RJ11-Up, RR11-Up, RS11-Up DF11-Up, DG11-Up Motors) Perkins Engines - Operation and Maintenance Manual (80 pages) / The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation.
262104 1103, 1104E 1103 and 1104E (DC11-Up / DD11-Up / DJ11-Up / DK11-Up / RE11-Up / RG11-Up / RJ11-Up / RR11-Up / RS11-Up / DF11-Up / DG11-Up Machines) Perkins Engines - Systems Operation Testing and Adjusting (56 pages) / Tech. Specifications for repair (Service settings, Sizes, Clearances, Tighten torques etc. 44 pages). Disassembly and Assembly (136 pages). The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation.
262106 1104D 1104D (NH, NJ Engine) Perkins Industrial Engine - Operation and Maintenance Manual (94 pages) / The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation.
262108 1104E 1104E (RF11-Up, RH11-Up, RK11-Up Machines) Perkins Engine - Operation and Maintenance Manual (86 pages) / Systems Operation Testing and Adjusting (64 pages) / Technical Specifications for repair (Service settings, Sizes, Clearances, Tighten torques etc. 40 pages) / Disassembly and Assembly (124 pages) / The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation. / Troubleshooting Section - Electronic Troubleshooting (219 pages)
262110 1104D, 1106D 1104D and 1106D (NH, NJ, PJ Engine) Perkins Industrial Engines - Troubleshooting (228 pages Issue May 2006)
262112 1106D 1106D (PJ Engine) Perkins Industrial Engine - Operation and Maintenance Manual (Edition Aug. 2005 96 pages and Edition May 2006 94 pages) / Systems Operation Testing and Adjusting (84 pages) / Technical Specifications for repair (Service settings, Sizes, Clearances, Tighten torques etc. 44 pages) / Disassembly and Assembly (180 pages) / The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation. / Troubleshooting (Issue 216 pages - Very useful Instruction. Look over Content)
262114 1106E 1106E (VK11-Up Engine) Perkins Engine with Electronic Control System - Operation and Maintenance Manual (84 pages) / Systems Operation Testing and Adjusting (76 pages) / Technical Specifications for repair (Service settings, Sizes, Clearances, Tighten torques etc. 40 pages) / Disassembly and Assembly (120 pages) / The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation. / Troubleshooting (224 pages. Very useful Instruction. Look over Content)
262120 Perkins 1100 series. Spare parts catalogs
262121 DC - 1103C-33 1103C-33 (DC) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
262122 DD - 1103C-33T 1103C-33T (DD) PERKINS engine Spare parts catalogue
262123 DE - 1103C-33TA 1103C-33TA (DE) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
262124 DF - 1103B-33 1103B-33 (DF) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
262125 DG - 1103B-33T 1103B-33T (DG) PERKINS engineSpare parts catalogue
262126 DJ - 1103A-33 1103A-33 (DJ) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
262127 DK - 1103A-33T 1103A-33T (DK) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
262128 NH - 1104D-E44T 1104D-E44T (NH) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
262129 NJ - 1104D-E44TA 1104D - E44TA (NJ) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
262130 NK - 1104D-44 1104D-44 (NK) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
262131 NL - 1104D-44T 1104D-44T (NL) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
262132 NM - 1104D-44TA 1104D-44TA (NM) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
262133 PJ - 1106D-E66TA 1106D-E66TA (PJ) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
262134 PK - 1106C-E66TA 1106C-E66TA (PK) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
262135 RE - 1104C-44 1104C-44 (RE) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
262136 RF - 1104C-E44 1104C-E44 (RF) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
262137 RG - 1104C-44T 1104C-44T (RG) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
262138 RH - 1104C-E44T 1104C-E44T (RH) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
262139 RJ - 1104C-44TA 1104C-44TA (RJ) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
262140 RK - 1104C-E44TA 1104C-E44TA (RK) PERKINS PERKINS - Spare parts catalogue
262141 RR - 1104A-44 1104A-44 (RR) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
262142 RS - 1104A-44T 1104A-44T (RS) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
262143 RT - 1104A-44TA 1104A-44TA (RT) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
262144 VK - 1106-E60TA 1106-E60TA (VK) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
262145 XK - 1103D-33 1103D-33 (XK) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
262146 XL - 1103D-33T 1103D-33T (XL) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
262147 XM - 1103D-33TA 1103D-33TA (XM) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
262500 Perkins USER'S HANBOOK AND WORKSHOP MANUAL 1200 series
262510 MK, ML Perkins 1204E-E44TA and 1204E-E44TTA Industrial Engines (MK, ML) - Operation and Maintenance Manual. Disassembly and Assembly. Specification. Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting. Troubleshooting. Additional technical Information for Operation and repair.
262511 BK Perkins 1206E-E66TA Industrial Engine BK. Operation and Maintenance Manual. Disassembly and Assembly. Specification. Troubleshooting. Additional technical Information for Operation and repair.
262512 BL Perkins 1206E-E70TTA Industrial Engine BL Operation and Maintenance Manual. Disassembly and Assembly. Specification. Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting. Troubleshooting. Additional technical Information for Operation and repair.
262513 Perkins B-1200 series 6 Cylinder. Spare parts catalogs
262514 BK Perkins 1206E-E66TA - Spare parts catalogs.
262515 BL Perkins 1206E-E70TTA - Spare parts catalogs.
262516 BM Perkins 1206F-E70TA - Spare parts catalogs.
262517 BN Perkins 1206F-E70TTA - Spare parts catalogs.
262518 Perkins M-1200 series 4 Cylinder. Spare parts catalogs
262519 MK Perkins 1204E-E44TA - Spare parts catalogs.
262520 ML Perkins 1204E-E44TTA - Spare parts catalogs.
262521 MT Perkins 1204F-E44TA - Spare parts catalogs.
262522 MU Perkins 1204F-E44TTA - Spare parts catalogs.
263100 Perkins USER'S HANBOOK AND WORKSHOP MANUAL 1300 series
263110 WF - WJ Perkins 1300 Series Peregrine (Models WF to WJ) Six cylinder turbocharged diesel engines for industrial and agricultural applications - USER?S HANDBOOK. / Models WD to WJ Perkins Peregrine and New Generation 1300 Series - WORKSHOP MANUAL . The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation.
263111 WG - WJ, WD - WJ Perkins Peregrine (Models WG and WJ) Six cylinder turbocharged diesel engines for automotive applications - USER?S HANDBOOK / Models WD to WJ Perkins Peregrine and New Generation 1300 Series - WORKSHOP MANUAL. The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation.
263112 WK - WS Perkins 1300 Series Edi (Models WK to WS) Peregrine Six cylinder, turbocharged, diesel engines with an electronic management system for industrial and agricultural applications - USER?S HANDBOOK / WORKSHOP MANUAL. The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation.
263113 WL, WN, WQ, WS; WK - WS Perkins Peregrine Edi (Models WL, WN, WQ, and WS) Six cylinder, turbocharged, diesel engines with an electronic management system for automotive applications - USER?S HANDBOOK / Perkins Peregrine EDi and 1300 Series Edi (Models WK to WS) for agricultural and industrial applications) - WORKSHOP MANUAL. The set of Service Letters with data for repair, maintenance and operation.
263114 WB - WC Perkins Workshop Manual. Peregrine EDi and 1300 Series EDi (WK - WS) Peregrine 6 cylinder turbocharged diesel engines with electronic management system for automotive applications. 1300 Series 6 cylinder turbocharged diesel engines with electronic management system for agricultural and industrial applications User's Guide (Operation & Maintenance)./Perkins 1300 series EDi (WK - WS). Six cylinder, turbocharged, diesel engines with an electronic management system for industrial and agricultural applications.
263140 Perkins 1300 series. Spare parts catalogs
263141 WB - T6.466 T6.466 (WB) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
263142 WC - CC6.466 CC6.466 (WC) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
263143 WD - T6.67 T6.67 (WD) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
263144 WE - CC6.67 CC6.67 (WE) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
263145 WF - T6.76 T6.76 (WF) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
263146 WG - CC6.76 CC6.76 (WG) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
263147 WGD - E87TAJ3 E87TAJ3 (WGD) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
263148 WGE - E87TAJ4 E87TAJ4 (WGE) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
263149 WGF - E87TAJ5 E87TAJ5 (WGF) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
263150 WGH - E87TAJ6 E87TAJ6 (WGH) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
263151 WH - T6.87 T6.87 (WH) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
263152 WJ - CC6.87 CC6.87 (WJ) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
263153 WK - UT6.76 HEUI UT6.76 HEUI (WK) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
263154 WL - UCC6.76 HEUI UCC6.76 HEUI (WL) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
263155 WM - UT6.87 HEUI UT6.87 HEUI (WM) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
263156 WN - UCC6.87 HEUI UCC6.87 HEUI (WN) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
263157 WO - 1300 1300 Series (W0) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
263158 WP - UT6.761 HEUI (I) UT6.761(I) HEUI (WP) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
263159 WR - UT6.871 HEUI (I) UT6.871(I) HEUI (WR) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalog
263160 WS - UCC6.871 HEUI (I) UCC6.871(I) HEUI (WS) PERKINS engine - Spare parts catalogue
All names mentioned are registered tradesmen of registered companies and are mentioned for reference only.
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