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Marine Automation

Marine Automation: Speed Governors, Alarm and Monitoring systems, Control Systems etc. Instruction Manuals with Spare Parts List in PDF format

Marine Automatics and Spare parts for automatics

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461001 RUSSIA Speed Governors PH-30. Discription and Operating Instructions. RUSSIAN and ENGLISH LANGUAGE.
461002 WOODWARD Speed Governor WOODWARD PGA. Discription and Operating Instructions. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE.
461003 WOODWARD WOODWARD PGA Governor, PG-200/300 Case, Accumulator and Power Cylinder, Booster Servomotor. Instructions and Spare Parts.
461004 WOODWARD WOODWARD UG 5.7-8-10 Lever Governor. Instruction and Spare Parts.
461005 WOODWARD WOODWARD UG Dial Governor. Instruction and Spare Parts.
461006 WOODWARD Woodward UG40-DI Governor with Digital Interface - Installation, Operation, Troubleshooting and Repairs Manuals.
461007 WOODWARD WOODWARD UG-8 Dial Governor (manual 03004G). Instruction with Color Schemes and Spare Parts.
461008 WOODWARD Set Instructions for Woodward Governors: Woodward Basic load control 36630D, Woodward Booster servomotor 36684E, Woodward Governor oil heat 36641B, Woodward Mainfold gauge 36661A, Woodward PGA Marine Governor 33604E, Woodward Solenoid for PGA and PGPL 36650b - Instructions with Spare Parts Lists
461051 DataChief DataChief C20. Alarm and Montoring System - Operation (includes list of replaceable parts with drawings and part numbers). Alarm Monitoring Control and Power Management.
461052 Norcontrol Digital Governor System Norcontrol DGS8800e for MAN B&W MC-engines with electric actuator - Instruction Manual
461053 NELES NELES (Metso Automation) Pneumatic Cylinder Actuators. Series BJ and B1J. Installation, Maintenance and Operating Instructions, Spare Parts.
461053 Odin Odin Control System. Components. Spare Parts
461054 TERASAKI TERASAKI WE300 Engine control console - Instruction Manual, Specifications, Drawings & Spare Parts List.
461101 AUTRONICA AUTRONICA Perfomance Analysing System (MIP Calculator) NK - 100. Final Documentation.
461102 LEHMANN MICHELS Peak Pressure Indicator Type LS (LEHMANN MICHELS)
461151 VISATRON Oil Mist Detector VISATRON. Operating Instruction and Spare Parts.
461152 GRAVINER GRAVINER Oil Mist Detector Mark 6 - Instruction for Operation and Maintenance, Drawings & Spare Parts List.
461153 DAIHATSU DAIHATSU Type MD-9(14)M Oil Mist Detector - Instruction for Operation and Maintenance, Drawings & Spare Parts List.
461201 VISCOCHIEF VISCOCHIEF CS-160 (Alfa Laval). Viscosity Control System - Instruction Manual and Spare Parts.
461301 SEMCO SEMCO Float gauge 6000 Series - Instruction Manual, Drawings & Spare Parts List.
461302 NAKAKITA NAKAKITA Remote Control Equipment for ballast pipe line - Instruction for Operation and Maintenance, Drawings, Dimensions & Spare Parts List.
All names mentioned are registered tradesmen of registered companies and are mentioned for reference only.
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