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MAN B&W Alpha Lubricator System Instructions Manual with Drawings and Spare parts List,
Cabling, Accessories, Service Letters. Video training. ID 109420

Spare parts for MAN (MAN B&W) 2-stroke diesel engines

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The set of documentation includes:

Alpha Lubricator System Operation Manual MC and ME Engines

Operation (There is a full content at the bottom of this page)
Electrical Wiring

Maintenance of Booster Unit for Alpha Cylinder Lubricator for MAN B&W Diesel A/S (Serman and Tipsmark A/S).

Pump Station for Alpha Lubrication System
(Serman and Tipsmark A/S).

Cylinder oil consumption calculation sheet for Alpha Adaptive
Cylinder Oil Control.

ALCU - yard drawings.

ME information.

Service Letters.

Video training (You are watching first two parts)

Alpha Lubricator System Operation Manual MC Engines. Table of Contents.

List of Abbreviations: 5
1. General Information 6
1.1 Main components 6
1.2 Working principle 9
1.3 Guidance values automation 10
2. Operation of the System 10
2.1 HMI-Panel / Operating Panel 10
2.2 Control buttons and indicator lamps on pump station starter panels 11
2.3 Start-up of Alpha Lubricator System
(Engine not running) 11

2.4 Checks during start-up of the engine 12
2.5 Periodic checks during normal operation of the engine 13
3. HMI-Panel and Configuration of MCU 13
3.1 Description of HMI Panel 13
3.2 HMI-Panel operation and configuration of MCU 14
3.2.2 Reading of total stroke/min [rXXX] 14
3.2.3 Reading of total strokes [Str.hi] and [Str.lo] 14
3.2.4 Reading of active alarms [ALRXX] 15
3.2.5 Reading of logged alarms [LALXX] 15
3.2.6 Adjustment of cylinder oil feed rate [F.rAtE] 15
3.2.7 Monthly change of operating pumps (master pump) 16
3.2.8 Test sequence for inspection during standstill 17
3.2.9 Menu structure 17
3.2.10 HMI panel parameter reference list 21
3.3 MCU setup 32
3.3.1 Dip switches for MCU 32
3.3.2 Upload of MCU basic program 33
3.3.3 Upload MCU set-up file 34
3.3.4 MCU LED information 35
3.3.5 Read-out of raw parameters in HMI Panel 35
4. Configuration of BCU 36
4.1 Injection rate with BCU in control 36
4.2 Detection rate (BCU take over from MCU) 36
4.3 Number of cylinders for the engine 36
4.4 BCU board revision 37
4.5 Slow down output 37
4.6 Number of lubricators 37
4.7 Upload of BCU basic program 37
5. Alpha Lubricator - Alarm Handling and Trouble Shooting Guide 39
5.1 Fuses 39
5.1.1 MCU-Unit 39
5.1.2 BCU-Unit 43
5.2 External alarm signals 45
5.2.1 Common alarm 45
5.2.2 MCU power failure 45
5.2.3 BCU power failure 46
5.2.4 MCU failure 46
5.2.5 BCU failure 46
5.2.6 Slow-down 46
5.2.7 BCU in control 46
5.3 MCU - alarm handling and trouble shooting 47
5.3.1 Alarms 1-24 - Feedback failure 47
5.3.2 Alarm 29 - Marker signal failure from encoder 48
5.3.3 Alarm 30 - BCU pickup 1 failure 49
5.3.4 Alarm 31 - Trigger signal failure from encoder 50
5.3.5 Alarm 33 - Engine stop signal failure 50
5.3.6 Alarm 34 - LCD signal abnormal 51
5.3.7 Alarm 35 - BCU alive signal missing 51
5.3.8 Alarm 36 - Astern signal abnormal 51
5.3.9 Alarm 37 - Prelubrication signal abnormal 51
5.3.10 Alarm 38 - Oil temperature high 51
5.3.11 Alarm 39 - Oil pressure low 52
5.3.12 Alarm 40 - Speed deviation alarm 52
5.3.13 Alarm 41 - Index transmitter abnormal 52
5.3.14 Alarm 42 - Cable failure index transmitter 53
5.3.15 Alarm 43 - BCU pickup 2 failure 53
5.3.16 Alarm 44 - BCU in control 53
5.3.17 Alarm 45 and 46 - Thermal overload electric motor 53
5.3.18 Alarm 47 - MCU parameter list not loaded 53
5.3.19 Alarm 48 - Angle deviation fail 54
5.3.20 Alarm 49 - Stand-by pump is running 54
5.4 BCU alarms 54
5.4.1 Led # 1 BCU internal failure 55
5.4.2 Led # 2 Engine stop signal failure 55
5.4.3 Led # 3 MCU alive signal missing 55
5.4.4 Led # 4 Feedback signal missing on two lubricators 55
5.4.5 Led # 5 Feedback signal missing one lubricator 56
5.4.6 Led # 6 BCU marker signal 1 and 2 missing 56
5.4.7 Led # 7 and 8 BCU marker signal 1 or 2 missing 57
5.5 Emergency running without external trigger signals 57
5.6 Sequence diagram for alarm handling 59

Appendix 1. Function of the LEDs in the Intermediate Box 60

Appendix 2. Control Unit Cylinder Lubrication - Logic Diagram 61

Appendix 3. Replacement of MCU, BCU, SBU Boards 69

Appendix 4. Cylinder oil feed rate during running-in 71

Appendix 5. ALCU signal description 73

Appendix 6. Back-up Control Unit 77

Appendix 7. Upload of BCU basic program (Old type programmed component P89C51RD+) 79
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