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Useful Maritime Websites with Links

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Contents (Menu)

Marine Diesel Engine Producers

MAN diesel and turbo website
MAN Diesel & Turbo Home Page
MAN diesel fact
DieselFacts is MAN Diesel & Turbo technical customer magazine. It is published four times a year worldwide with the latest news on company products and services as well as features and case stories.
MAN technical papers
MAN Diesel & Turbo Technical Papers / Brochures- It is very useful section of the site for marine engineers and superintendents. You can find the latest technical publications written by MAN Diesel & Turbo's specialists, and access the archive of previously released technical papers.
MAN Diesel & Turbo on YouTube
MAN Diesel and Turbo YouTube channel.
MAN technical papers
MAN Diesel and Turbo PrimeServ Academies: Location, Course registration form, Course Invitation Letter Form, Overview training competence matrix, useful information for shipowners.
Wartsila website
Wartsila website
Wartsila Magazines
Twentyfour7. stakeholder magazine & In Detail technical journal - detailed technical articles, news on the latest technologies and trends, detailed case studies, and service solutions - here's everything tech-savvy people need to know. Wartsila's magazine for customers, media, investors and students.
Wartsila Youtube
Wärtsilä Corporation's YouTube channel
Mitsubishi logo
Mitsubishi 2-stroke Diesel Engines, Marine High Speed Engines, MET Turbochargers, Marine Boilers and Turbines, Fin Stabilizers, Steering Gears, Propellers, Deck Cranes, Deck Machinery.
HHI engine logo
Hyundai Engine and Machinary Devision.
CAT logo
Caterpillar Marine (CAT & MaK & EMD): diesel & dual fuel propulsion and auxiliary marine engines, as well as complete marine generator sets.
Caterpillar and YouTube logos
Play list Videos on YOUTUBE from Caterpiller and MaK Marine Power Systems.
Cummins logo
Cummins Marine Division.
Doosan logo
Doosan Diesel Engine.
Perkins logo
Perkins diesel Home Page.
Rolls-Royce logo
Rolls-Royce / Bergen Marine Division.
Volvo Penta logo
Volvo Penta Global

Marine Auxiliary Machinery Producers

ABB logo
ABB USA - Product Catalogues
Kongsberg logo
Kongsberg Maritime Ship Systems / KMSS, formerly Norcontrol & Autronica. Brochures, data sheets for download: Engine monitoring systems, Marine automation systems, Marine switchboards, Propulsion control systems, Various engine room systems, Water ingress detection and etc.
Alfa Laval logo
Alfa Laval main page
Aaalborg logo
Aaalborg main page - Brochures, data sheets for download.
ROSS CONTROL SB website has useful section for understanding how pneumatic valves and controls systems work. What may not be so well known is the science behind the valves.
Carly compressor logo
Carlyle refrigeration and air conditioning compressors. It is simple and beautiful website. You can find all necessary information to buy new compressor and if you already operate one. Good technical library includes Electronic Drawings, Service Guides, Startup and Troubleshooting Guides, OEM Bulletins, Service Parts - Includes Model # Significance Charts, Exploded View Diagrams, and Parts Lists etc.
FRAMO logo
The FRAMO range of products for marine applications comprises cargo pumping systems, transportable pumping system and anti-heeling pumping systems.

Useful Website for Marine Engineer

Diesel Engine working model
Website http://marinediesels.co.uk is constructed, maintained and operated by an ex sea going Marine Engineer who is a Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology and a senior lecturer at a UK Maritime Academy teaching Motor Engineering Knowledge to Chief Engineer and Degree Level. Learn about problems which can be encountered such as scavenge fires and crankcase explosions, and how to prevent them. Find out how the engine power is calculated using the Mean Indicated Pressure, discover how the engine starts using compressed air and how Turbocharging works.
Lars Josefsson's website logo
Lars Josefsson's personal website is useful to technicians and engineers using marine steam boilers and heavy fuel oil burners. Ex. chief-engineer in the merchant marine and almost twenty years with a boiler maker, starting up marine steam boiler plants and designing control systems for marine boilers as well as control systems for exhaust gas heat recovery systems for diesel power plants.
Marine Engineering logo
This website has got everything that a marine engineer needs for preparing for the competency exams. Right from the basics to in-depth case studies.
Diesel Duck logo
Dieselduck has got loads of information of a variety of subjects related to maritime industry and marine engineering . Visit this website. It has a lot of useful information and links and great compilation of videos in the "Videos" section of the website.
Barrington Diesel Club logo
Barrington Diesel Club web site is maintained and operated by Steve Barrington. If you need repair small high speed and some medium speed engines (Caterpillar, Cummins, Detroit, EMD, Mercedes) you will be able to find on this site useful information like Key Torques and clearances.
Mechanical Engineering for Everyone
This useful and interesting website for English and Russian speaking engineers is personal site of marine engineer Roman Pochinkov. You find many technical information for self-education in "How does it work?" section. We also recommend section "My Book shelf" for Russian engineers etc.

Ships Classification Societies
American Bureau of Shipping / ABS / United States of America Open website
ASIA Classification Society / ACS / Iran Open website
Associated Consultants Bureau Ltd / ACB / France Open website
Belize Maritime Bureau Inc / BMB / Singapore Open website
Belize Register Corporation / BRC / Panama Open website
Black Sea Bureau Of Shipping / BBS / Moldova Open website
Bulgarian Register of Shipping / BRS / Greece Open website
Bureau Colombo BR / BC / Brazil Open website
Bureau Veritas / BV / France Open website
China Classification Society / CCS / Hong Kong Open website
China Corporation Register of Shipping / CCRS / Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) Open website
Croatian Register of Shipping / CRS / Croatia Open website
Cyprus Bureau of Shipping / CBS / Cyprus Open website
Det Norske Veritas / DNV / Norway Open website
Dromon Bureau Of Shipping / DBS / Cyprus Open website
Germanicher Lloyds / GL / Germany Open website
Hellenic Register of Shipping / HRS / Greece Open website
Icons Marine Services Pte Ltd / IMS / Canada Open website
Indian Register of Shipping / IS / India Open website
Inspeccion y Clasificacion Maritima / INCLAMAR / Greece Open website
Instituto Nacional de Los Espacios Acuaticos e Insulares / INEIA / Venesuela Open website
Intermaritime Certification Services S.A / ICS / Panama Open website
International Naval Surveys Bureau / INSB / Greece Open website
International Register of Shipping / IRS / United States of America Open website
International Ship Classification / ISC / Singapore Open website
International Yacht Bureau Inc / IYB / United States of America Open website
Isthmus Bureau of Shipping S.A / IBS / Panama Open website
Korea Register of Shipping / KRS / Korea (South) Open website
Lloyd's Register / LR / United Kingdom Open website
Macosnar Corporation / MC / Panama Open website
Nippon Kaiji Kayokai / NKK / Japan Open website
P.TBiro Klasifikasi Indonesia / BKI / Indonesia Open website
Panama Marine Survey and Certification Services Inc / PMSCS / Panama Open website
Panama Maritime Documentation Services / PMDS / Panama Open website
Phoenix register of Shipping S.A / PHRS / Greece Open website
Polish Register of Shipping / PRS / Poland Open website
Registro Italiano navale / RINA / Italy Open website
Rinave- Rigistro Internacional Naval S.A / RIN / Portugal Open website
RJDel Pan / RJDP / Phillipine Open website
Russian Maritime register of Shipping / RMSR / Russia Open website
Societe Generale de Surveillance / SGS / Switzerland Open website
State Committee of Fisheries of Ukraine / SCFU / Ukraine Open website
Türk Loydu Foundation / TL / Turkey Open website
Ukrainian Shipping Register / USR / Ukraine Open website
Union Bureau of Shipping / UBS / China Open website
Universal Maritime Bureau Ltd / UMB / Panama Open website
Universal Shipping Bureau Inc / USB / United States of America Open website
Vietnam Register of Shipping / VRS / Vietnam Open website
Maritime accident Investigators
Accident Investigation Board of Finland Open website
Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) Open website
Board of Accident Investigation, Sweden Open website
Dutch Transport Safety Board (DTSB) Open website
Hong Kong Marine Department Open website
International Maritime Organization Open website
International Transportation Safety Association (ITSA) Open website
Marine Accident Investigation Branch, UK Open website
Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency, Japan Open website
National Transportation Safety Board, USA (NTSB) Open website
Transport Accident Investigation Commission, New Zealand Open website
Transportation Safety Board of Canada Open website
US Coastguard Office of Investigation and Analysis Open website
Maritime International Organization and Organizations of Interest
America Club Open website
American Waterways Operators (AWO) Open website
Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) Open website
CHIRP for Maritime = Confidential Hazardous Incident Reporting Programme Open website
Gard Open website
Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology Open website
International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (Intercargo) Open website
International Association of Independent Tanker Owners (Intertanko) Open website
International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) Open website
International Shipping Federation (ISF) Open website
International Transportation Safety Association Open website
Marine Accident Investigator's International Forum (MAIIF) Open website
Nautical Institute Open website
Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) Open website
Seafarers International Research Center Open website
Shipowners P & I Open website
Society of International Gas Tanker & Terminal Operators (SIGTTO) Open website
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Open website
The Royal National Lifeboat Institution Open website
UK P & I Club Open website
Maritime News
Fairplay - International maritime news source. Open website
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide (Online Daily Newspaper) - news and updates on markets, projects, vessels, equipment, research, shipyards, shipping companies. Open website
MarinLink - Marine Industry News, Maritime Reporter, Marine News, Shipbuilding, Coast Guard, Navy, Marine Propulsion, Contracts, Maritime Security, Offshore. Open website
TradeWinds - depth reporting of the shipping industry. Open website
World Maritime News - news and updates on markets, projects, vessels, equipment, research, shipyards, shipping companies and the authorities dominating marine markets. Open website

All names mentioned are registered tradesmen of registered companies and are mentioned for reference only.
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